Christopher Ryan
8 min readNov 9, 2020


It’s unclear if Donald Trump can prove fraudulent election results. Everyone knows that’s an impossible uphill battle. There are very concerning anomalies & very suspicious actions on behalf of partisan officials in charge of counting votes. Most concerning of all is how all questionable activity occurred in Democrat run states while much larger Republican ran states had no problem counting votes on election night. Democrats are asking 70 million people to simply trust them & a media who has devoted the last 4 years trying to remove him from office. Entire networks have altered their business model to pushing propaganda rather than reporting the news. Internet platforms such as Twitter & YouTube actively shadow ban opposing views. It’s clear moving forward a bias media plans nothing more than to paint the President as a sore loser no matter how despicable their actions have been the past 4 years. The reality is the Democrat party cannot win the debate in the arena of ideas. To succeed they must silence their opposition.

Of course, Joe Biden & the media are seemingly taking a conciliatory tone asking the President & his followers to simply accept the results no matter how dubious. Though frequently referred to as despicable, racist this is a media who told the nation white supremacy is the number one threat of violence in the country. We were told all the plywood protecting businesses from looting, rioting & police being placed on standby was to protect us from the President’s supporters who would not accept the results of a fair election. If you want to know the difference between Trump supporters & those of Mr. Biden try to imagine if the other way around. Can you picture the left bowing out gracefully & accepting the extended hand of Donald Trump? The left has spent the last 4 years in denial. Before Donald Trump ever took office, the previous administration used government resources & turned domestic intelligence agencies against the President in an attempt to oust him from office because they could not accept the 2016 election results. The entire house agenda the past 4 years was to attack Donald Trump & the hell with the business of the people. Forgive me if I ignore their advice on how to deal with election results.

I failed to comprehend all the back & forth and concern of mail in ballots, but the President saw what was coming. It is common sense that mailing of live ballots to people increases the chances of voter fraud. I thought it strange the media took such a defiant stance against this fact. Even when faced with proof of fraud from small local elections the media failed to cover the stories. The media repeated the safety of mail in ballots over & over all summer. At the same time Democrats jumped on the opportunity COVID presented to carry this out in as many states as possible.

By no means am I an election expert. I do however, have common sense. Common sense tells me nothing is going to overturn what has transpired. At the same time this is what I am expected to believe: By 2am EST there was a clear trend all night- Donald Trump was building a sizeable lead in states necessary to win the election. Then for no known reason all of the meaningful states, ran by DEMOCRATS simultaneously stopped counting. Some jurisdictions suddenly reported thousands of ballots coming in for Joe Biden. I watched at 2 am as Milwaukee County WI reported 130k votes for Joe Biden, erasing Donald Trump’s lead. Now reviewing the results in Wisconsin, the news media reports that 75% of WI residents voted in the election. However, upon closer scrutiny that is 75% of eligible age voters. When one takes the percentage of actual registered voters who voted in this election the figure is stunning 89.5% voted in Wisconsin. That is hard to believe.

Then there is Pennsylvania. Like many stories in 2020 you’re more likely to get the truth from a citizen reporter than traditional news media outlets. Why are NONE of them reporting these facts? These are the facts: Oversight of counting the votes came to highly partisan sec. of state Kathy Boockvar. Ms. Boockvar made an attempt to hide numerous critical comments she’s made against the President. Ms. Boockvar reportedly gave instructions to election workers that contradicted Pennsylvania law when it came to counting votes. Among them were instructions not to disqualify any ballots due to a mismatch of the signature on file. Republican lawmakers asked her to recuse herself to no avail. The dispute over her instructions & the law went to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court which consists of elected partisan judges. The Democrat controlled Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled ballots could be accepted three days after Nov. 3rd & that signatures on the ballots did not have to match signatures on file. Maybe it takes a lay person to realize once the election is over & one side knows the number of votes needed to win- you cannot accept votes coming in three days after election day.

This fact coupled with instructions to ignore signatures is particularly egregious. This clearly partisan decision was appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court which ruled ballots received after election day to be held separate.

But that’s not all. On top of these facts, Pennsylvania refused to allow observers of the President present while counting these votes.

Election observers claim this was an unusual year because the state accepted general mail in ballots for the first time. In doing so, unlike in previous years the state did not disclose how many ballots it had on hand to count on election day, how convenient.

In Pennsylvania the anomalies do not stop there. In an average year approximately 1% of mail in votes are rejected. In 2016 out of 266,208 ballots 2,534 were rejected, a rate of .95%. This year out of 2,614,011 mail in ballots a mere 951 were rejected, a rate of .03%. A normal rejection rate of 1% such as in 2016 suggests a rejected ballot count of 26,104. It’s not hard to imagine what could happen here.

It is inconceivable that all of these anomalies just happen to benefit one candidate, Joe Biden. The fact no media outlet finds these occurrences worthy of reporting tells the American people everything they need to know. How can there be any confidence in the system when the person in charge, Ms. Boockvar is actively opposed to transparency. The obvious question is why? It is in everyone’s best interest to encourage transparency in the election process. Ms. Boockvar needs to step down. Failing to understand transparency being of utmost importance is a complete misunderstanding of her duties. Quite frankly it’s an embarrassment to the entire state of Pennsylvania.

What’s even harder to believe is the narrative the media pushed for an entire year with polls suggesting the race wasn’t even close. We were expected to believe the country was about to be overtaken by a blue wave. Instead of losing a projected 15 house seats, Republicans actually gained at least 7. In addition to all of this, minority support of the President increased by 100%, it doubled! This fact is the very reason Democrats MUST paint Republicans as racist. Anything less than 90% support of the African American community is detrimental to Democrats. And despite the fact Joe Biden couldn’t draw a crowd of 500 people, more people voted for him than any other candidate in the entire history of this country? Admittedly it doesn’t prove fraud, but all the more reason to investigate what has happened.

None of this is possible without a complicit media. History will place an asterisk next to October 14, the day Twitter ban another media outlet for simply reporting news detrimental to the candidate mainstream media supported. In the name of protecting people from misinformation, Twitter shut down the account of the New York Post. Rather than letting the market decide what information is worth reporting, Twitter took it upon itself as to what news is worth of reporting. In our capitalistic system the market decides & rewards those outlets who provides consumers with facts. Any false reporting will damage an outlet’s credibility & place its future in jeopardy. It’s the very reason why such institutions double check their sources before going on air or to print. If their reporting is false the market will decide by punishing the news outlet. It is not for Twitter to be the arbiter of truth.

The media supporting one candidate is promoting one party rule which is a recipe that breeds corruption. The mainstream media spent 3 years knowingly promoting a fake story of Russian collusion. All the while ignoring actual collusion of the candidate they support. Joe Biden’s son & brother are on record dealing with some of the most corrupt players on the world stage. Entire books could be written on Biden family corruption with multiple countries & the media has hidden this from the American people. The facts are unbelievable & evidence readily available. Do not take my word for it, see & hear for yourself. Contracts & no term loans from the Communist Chinese Party? Records & testimony from Tony Bobulinski show the Biden family received a $5m no term loan from the Chinese Communist Party. This is video suppressed by the mainstream media . If the figurehead of the Democrat party is this corrupt due to failure of the media to undertake the most basic vetting process, what are Democrats down ballot up to?

The media would have you believe Donald Trump has made the U.S. a laughing stock in the eyes of the world. It puts forth a narrative we are no longer respected. V.P. Biden was placed in charge of Ukraine by President Obama. He was to oversee the rebuilding & financing of a country that was supposedly rife with corruption. One month after V.P. Biden was placed in charge of overseeing Ukraine his son, Hunter Biden accepts a position at a Ukrainian Gas company for $80k/month? Strangely he doesn’t speak the language, no background in the industry & never bothered to visit the country the entire time. All of this information is suppressed. Listen to the V.P. in his own words as he pressed the president of Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating his son’s company. The former president of Ukraine, Victor Poroshenko is currently on trial for treason for his dealings with V.P. Joe Biden. Joe Biden is the President elect, who has the corruption problem? Do you believe mainstream media’s narrative that Ukraine doesn’t respect us because of Donald Trump? They’re laughing at us because of Joe Biden.

How many Americans know that Donald Trump was impeached for suggesting to the incoming president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky that if he was interested in fighting corruption he might want to start with Joe Biden & his son Hunter-that’s it. Truth is an absolute defense, judge for yourself.

If pursuing the truth & exposing the largest & most egregious misrepresentation of facts portrayed on the American people identifies me as a Donald Trump supporter, I guess I am guilty. However, that is not why I write this. I am appalled at what is happening to this country. This is far bigger than Donald Trump. One party’s quest for power & the obvious complicity of the media has taken us down a dark path which most Americans are unaware.

There’s no doubt Donald Trump is a dividing personality, but it’s more due to the actions of those fighting against him who will stop at nothing to take him out. Donald Trump’s flaws are real. He has turned the W.H. into a reality show the past 4 years. By doing so he has brought in many people who have traditionally had NO interest in politics. These low information voters are highly susceptible to media manipulation. They believe the media & blame him for everything wrong not just with the country, but in their own lives.

The media may have achieved their objective, but not without serious damage to their own credibility. Donald Trump has exposed them forever.



Christopher Ryan

Individual simply providing a perspective not allowed in mainstream media.